Love Words

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A person without love in his heart, is not a person at all.

One experiences love right from the time one steps into this world. However the negativity existing in the world, often replaces love with hatred. But at the end, in spite of the odds, love will conquer hatred and emerge a winner.

What can be more beautiful that the feeling, that puts all other feelings to shame? Love.

Love is the only warrior who in the battle of feelings, instead of fighting for itself, fights for the sake of others.

No matter what problem you are facing, love always manages to find a perfect solution.

Love is like a tree. Its roots grows deeper and deeper with time.

Love maybe only a four letter word. But it is more powerful than anything in the world. It can alone make you the happiest person in the world, or the saddest.

Unlike time and tide, true love waits forever.

The day you find yourself smiling for no reason, dreaming about one person all the time and wanting to become something in life, you're in love.

There is nothing like unconditional love. There is only one thing called love and that is unconditional already. If not then it is not love.

Love knows no boundaries. It is a wonder how people still draw a list of criteria when it comes to picking their dream match.

Love is not just a feeling shared between two people. It is also the feeling that binds friends, families, a country and also the whole world.

Love cuts through the boundaries of religion, caste, race and color. It is the only religion that everybody seems to follow.

Be very careful when you are breaking somebody's heart for the rule of love is what goes around comes around.

Love cannot be search for and it definitely cannot be arranged. It just seems to show up when you least expect it to.

Be very careful when you tell a girl that you love her. She will actually believe it.

Heart skipping a beat, getting goose bumps, suffering from sleepless nights, smiling without reason, singing love songs and constantly thinking about that one person is called the sweet illness of love.

Love changes the whole meaning of being perfect, doesn't it?

Love is like chocolate. At first you enjoy it, later you regret!

Love is waking up in every morning with a smile on your face.

Love is holding hands while walking with the one you love, and it feels like you are walking on heaven's path.

Love is kissing in the hair and dancing together without music.

Love is when you start obsessing over a color just because that special someone said you look good in it.

Love is when you don't even know about the number of sacrifices you make for that person.

Love is even when you are 99% sure that the opposite person doesn't love you back, for some reason that 1% seems so hopeful.

Love cannot be conditional. If it is conditional, then it is not love.

True love can only grow with time.

Smiling on your worst days, singing romantic songs under the shower, dancing in the rain, checking yourself out like a million times in the mirror-Love can truly make you do crazy things!

Isn't it so funny that when you first meet a person you have absolutely no idea about how important they might become for you tomorrow?

Love never ends, provided it is with the correct person.

Living your life without love is like walking in darkness.

True love is a feeling that one never gets tired of.

Love is the only fairytale!

Loving the one you know will never love you back is like jumping in the ocean knowing that you will drown.

Love is not looking for perfection. Love is instead finding perfection even in imperfection.

Love is something that cannot really be expressed, it can only be felt.

Love is no myth, it happened to me!

Love is dreaming about the same person every night.

Love is putting someone else's happiness above your own.

Love is cuddling under a blanket and sharing hot chocolate together on a dark winter night.

Love is something that starts as well as ends with the eyes.

You are the sweetest person I have ever met all my life. I am honored to have someone like you in my life.

No matter what it takes, I will never ever give up the relationship we share for anything in this world.

Even if the whole world stands against you, I promise you can always count on me.

I will be by your side till my last breath.

I texted you to say, you are just so sweet!

I could give anything away to spend a moment with you. I am so much in love with you.

You are sweeter than sugar, my sweetie pie! I love you so much.

Time stands still when you are around me. I am in love with you.

I love you. I love you. I love you. I can't help it, I just can't stop loving you!

You make it so easy for me to fall in love with you. I just cannot stop myself. I love you so much.

Each time you smile, it makes me love you a little more.

I hate to see you sad. I could do anything in the world to bring a smile to your face. I love you sweetheart.

If you were not in my life, I would have seriously missed an opportunity of falling in love with an angel.

I'm so glad that God made you for me. I don't want to imagine a day when you don't love me. I'm so addicted to your love.

I promise to give you whatever you need except for my heart, because it is already with you. I love you.

I promise to stand by your side forever. And when we grow old and are unable to stand for long, we can go for long drives on our wheelchairs. Yippee!

I promise to wait for you even if it is forever, because I know no matter how long I wait I will never find someone like you ever again.

Every morning I wake up with the thought that I will get to hear your sweet voice and feel your warm touch through the day. That keeps me going! Thanks for being there love.

My love for you knows no bounds. My hope for you knows no bounds. My joy for you knows no bounds. My strength for you knows no bounds. I don't know how else I can tell you that I love you.

You are like the sweetness in honey - delicious, natural, gooey, healthy and most importantly intoxicating!

Have I ever told you how amazing you look in the morning, how awesome you look in the afternoon, how ravishing you look in the evening and how surreal you look at night? As they say, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and I find you oh-so-hot!

How amazing it is to grow older, wiser and more mature with you in our relationship every single day of my life. I love you dear.

I pray to God that we get the best of everything in this world. We're the best couple and we deserve the very best.

If Santa came and asked me to make a wish, I'd tell him to give us mistletoe that would bind us for life and a reindeer that would carry us to paradise!

You touch my life in the most magical way. You bless my life by being a part of it and you bind my life with yours by sealing it with your beautiful kiss.

Are you the dove that sits on the branch of the tree outside my window every morning? I think you are because you have secret and magical ways of coming into my life.

Just like cinnamon goes well with coffee, strawberries go well with cream and almonds go well with steamed milk, you and I make a delicious couple!

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