Moving on After Getting Your Heart Broken...

For anyone who's ever been in love, there's a good chance you've had your heart broken. If not, consider yourself lucky. As for the rest of us, we've all been to the point where we didn't know how we were going to ever live again. The truth is that life goes on whether we want it to or not. The world keeps turning no matter how bad we feel. This is why we have to learn how to bounce back and keep moving forward.

Love is a wonderful thing. It's something that every human being needs and yearns to find at sometime in their lifetime. Some people are lucky enough to hold onto it while others have it slip through their fingers. Love is the universal symbol that makes us all human. We all know what it means, have felt it at one time or another and are always seeking it out. It's the one thing worth fighting for and the one thing worth dying for.

You gave your heart away. You took that leap of faith. You jumped in head first. However you want to put it, you fell in love. Now it's gone. Whether they broke up with you or you broke up with them or some other outside force pulled you apart, it's over. If you find yourself trying to hide in the bottom of a bowel of ice cream or have acquired a large pile of tissues or however you deal with heartache, this is your wake up call. Today is the day you turn it around.

It's been said a million times but you are always surrounded by people who love you. Whether it's family or friends or anyone in between, there is at least one person one the planet who loves you and cares about you. These are the people you need to start spending more time with. They will be more than happy to reassure you of just how wonderful a person you are.

They can also keep you busy. Go to a movie, go bowling, just go do something. If you're busy doing other things, you won't have the time to waste thinking about that person and the pain you may be going through. These are wonderful people and are very useful in your recovery.

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