Prince William and Kate Middleton.... [in the News]

Live coverage of the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton at Westminster Abbey and the aftermath

Kate Middleton looks back to the crowd after her kiss with Prince William at Buckingham Palace. Photograph: Tom Jenkins

7.00am: The rehearsals are over, the bunting is out, and the tasteful memorabilia is on display. And that's just here at the Guardian, where, as you can imagine, we are gripped with royal wedding fever. Hopefully it's just a 24-hour thing.
The word's media has arrived, unwelcome ambassadors have been disinvited, protests have been called on and called off, and at last the big day has arrived.
And it wouldn't be a national occasion without a live blog, so welcome to our coverage. We'll be all over the service, the procession, the dress, the kiss, the fly-past, the parties – and all the rights and wrongs of royalism and republicanism – right here, all day.
I'm not on my own. The Guardian has deployed a cast of several in order to bring you the top wedding news: Esther Addley is with the most ardent royalists camping out on the Mall, Adam Gabbatt has travelled down from Manchester with a coachload of revellers and is now tweeting his way around the capital.
Hadley Freeman will be on hand from New York to share the full horror of the US media spectacle while Vicky Frost does the same for the UK, Kate Carter will cast her eye over all the outfits and our fashion guru Jess Cartner-Morley will give her verdict on The Dress.
Crime correspondent Sandra Laville is at Scotland Yard keeping an eye on the security situation and Steven Morris has the view from Kate Middleton's home village. We're on the procession route too: Sam Jones is on Whitehall, while Peter Walker has the best view of the Buck House balcony from his vantage point at the Victoria memorial. Meanwhile, our man in morning dress is Stephen Bates, who has secured his place in the pews and will be reporting from inside Westminster Abbey.
Finally, our Lost in (Royal) Showbiz columnist Marina Hyde will be on hand to give us a healthy dose of Guardian scepticism to keep us all in check. As if we could possibly get over-excited about a mere wedding.
If even this gently sceptical tone is just too much then click on the top-right button on the Guardian home page: all our royal coverage melts magically away. There's plenty of proper news for you to get stuck into.
For those of you who remain, pull up a velvet cushion and break out the Babycham: here's how we expect things to develop.


8am-9.45am: Congregation begins to arrive at Westminster Abbey.
10.10am: Prince William and Prince Harry leave Clarence House for the Abbey.
10.25am: Royals begin to leave Buckingham Palace for the Abbey.
10.50am: Kate Middleton and her father leave Goring Hotel.
11am: Marriage service begins.
12.15pm: Marriage service over, the carriage procession leaves the Abbey for Buckingham Palace.
1.25pm: William and Kate appear on the balcony of Buckingham Palace with their families.
1.30pm: Fly-past by RAF and Battle of Britain memorial flight.
Afternoon to around 3.30pm: Private afternoon reception hosted by the Queen.
7pm onwards: Private evening reception hosted by Prince Charles.
The route to and from Westminster Abbey will take in The Mall, Horse Guards Road, Horse Guards Parade, Horse Guards Arch, Whitehall, Parliament Square, and Broad Sanctuary. Here's a map of the route. The service will be broadcast through speakers along the route, and there are giant screens in Hyde Park and Trafalgar Square. There are more details on the royal wedding website here. The full programme and order of service is available online here (with a nice drawing of the route on pages four and five) and here.
The service will be conducted by the Dean of Westminster, John Hall, and the couple will be married by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams. The Bishop of London, Richard Chartres, will give the address.
Philippa Middleton, Kate's sister, will be the maid of honour, while Prince Harry will be his brother's best man. The bridesmaids and page boys are all young children, and mostly relatives.
The music will be performed by two choirs, two fanfare teams and one orchestra: the choir of Westminster Abbey, the choir of Her Majesty's Chapel Royal, St James's Palace, the fanfare team from the Central Band of the Royal Air Force, the state trumpeters of the Household Cavalry and the London Chamber Orchestra. More details of the musicians can be found here.
Around 1,900 people have been invited, including 1,000 of the couple's family and friends, as well as members of foreign royal families, politicians, diplomats, foreign leaders "from the Realms", royal staff, and representatives from the armed forces, William's charities, the Church of England and other religions. Around 650 people have been invited to the lunch reception hosted by the Queen at Buckingham Palace, and around 300 to the dinner Prince Charles is hosting in the early evening.
The first royal wedding of the social networking age has quite properly got not only its own website, but also its own Twitter account, Facebook page, Flickr site and YouTube channel, which will be broadcasting the service live. Watch out if you sign up for that Facebook page; the resulting message "X likes the British monarchy" may come as an unwelcome surprise to some of your friends. There's a map of the wedding route here, and information for those visiting London today here.
7.02am: Thousands of well-wishers have lined the mile-and-a-half route to Westminster Abbey this morning, Stephen Bates, Sandra Laville and Lee Glendinning report.
Yesterday evening, Prince William met the crowds waiting on the Mall, shaking hands and telling delighted members of the public he was focusing on "remembering the lines" for the "big day".
The Press Association news agency has more:
Friends Sue Heppell, 59, Susie Record, 67, and Ann Burch, 65, travelled from Newcastle to find a good spot outside Clarence House at midday yesterday.
Mrs Record said she had met William last night and he had seemed very relaxed about his impending nuptials.
"He asked us whether we were sleeping out," she said. "He didn't seem surprised."
The Middleton family spent the evening quietly at the Goring hotel near Buckingham Palace, which was cordoned off with a marquee shielding the entrance so that the bride will be able to slip unobserved into one of Buckingham Palace's Rolls Royces for her journey to the abbey at precisely 10.51am this morning. Her dress will not be revealed until she arrives at the abbey nine minutes later. The designer Sarah Burton of Alexander McQueen appeared to have entered the hotel in disguise yesterday afternoon, suggesting she may have designed the dress.
William will wear the red uniform of the Irish Guards of which he is colonel.
The police and intelligence services launched an unprecedented security operation in London. Scotland Yard carried out a series of dawn raids, arresting 20 people in five squats across the capital.
7.16am: Marina Hyde of the Guardian's Lost in (Royal) Showbiz column has emailed with her first bulletin:
Stuff that's happened on ITV's troubled breakfast show Daybreak: the programme began at 0600 hours, but we somehow got all the way to 6.16am before sofa guest Eve Pollard gave what may well be today's first command by a "royal expert" to Kate's uterus. "We want an Olympic baby," she declared firmly. I literally can't believe I've got to get through today sober …

And re this much quoted "global television audience of 2bn" – is this a bit like when they say the Baftas are going to be seen "by a global television audience of 1bn", and then afterwards it turns out that one in six people on the planet watching celebs shiver up the Leicester Square red carpet in the rain was a bit optimistic? A few years ago the LA Times touched on this in the context of the far more gigantic Academy Awards, quoting the Oscars executive director Bruce Davis as saying: "There has never been a television event in the history of the world that has had a billion viewers - it's a handy number to throw around but it's not true."
7.21am: My colleague Hannah Waldram is here with the weather:
With a cloudy start to the day, forecasters predict lunchtime showers for the capital that could put a dampener on the royal wedding kiss – planned for the balcony of Buckingham Palace at 1.25pm.
But Tom Morgan, a weather forecaster at the Met Office, said there was no risk of showers before lunchtime.
The forecast for London today is a largely cloudy start to the day. Morgan said: "Generally it's going to be dry and we are going to see a brightening up with some sunny spells. At lunchtime and the early part of the afternoon there's about a 30% risk of some showers scattered about. If you catch one of those showers it might be quite heavy."
Morgan said the risk of showers would be mainly between 1-3pm for Londoners.
The Press Association reports that the royal couple will travel from Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace in the open-top 1902 State Landau whatever the weather. The original plan was that they use the covered Glass Coach if it was raining.
The afternoon promises a rise in temperatures (up to 19C) and some more sunny spells and dry weather as we head towards the early evening.
The weather looks set to be kinder to other parts of the UK - including St Andrews in Fife, where the couple met as undergraduates. The area will host a wedding breakfast party with an expected 1,500 guests is forecast to be bathed in sunshine.
7.28am: Adam Gabbatt is on the Mall with the freezing crowds:
Thousands of people are lining the Mall, which has been cordoned off on both sides with metal barriers, and almost every single one is bearing a union flag of some sort - OK! branded flags being particularly prevalent.
Key points near Horse Guards Parade are already getting congested with revellers, many of whom have been camped out overnight. The area along the Mall is well furnished with portable toilets, some will be pleased to know, but only one small cafe van, which surely will struggle to meet demand.
After a cold start to the day it's warming up quickly, although a little overcast. At the moment crowds are amusing themselves by cheering police motorbikes, which are driving away from Buckingham Palace. Prince William will be driven down here just after 10 - if all goes to plan for the last time as a single man.
Adam will be spending the day out and about among the crowds, tweeting and posting video and audio as he meets people along the way. His journey will be mapped out below as he goes. Navigate around the map and timeline to experience the royal wedding with him.
7.39am: Esther Addley has been out with the crowds camping on the Mall and outside Westminster Abbey, where the atmosphere has been "a bit rowdy" at times. Seventeen-year-old Daniella Luco Kasturiratne, who arrived on Wednesday, told her: "Everyone was fighting over their spot. People would be climbing over you when you were sleeping and trying to take your space."
Esther writes:
By 5am the Mall was hushed but already packed, with long colourful lines of sleeping forms stretched out on cardboard or slumped in camping chairs.
Rows of good-natured fluorescent police officers waved straggling twos and threes out of the road; most were eager, in any case, to secure themselves a spot with a view before the real crowds arrived.
Moira Smith, sporting a red, white and blue jester's hat, sunglasses and flashing badge, had come from Penrith in order, she said, to "see history in the making": her daughter Sally Conway "because Mum made me". The men were at home looking after the children, she said.
"I hope mine is painting the kitchen," chipped in their neighbour, Marilyn Hughes from Manchester.
"This is our new friend," said Smith. "We were just talking about bras from Primark."
Ruairidh Morgan, 16, from Reigate, had gallantly spent the night in a chair while his Canadian cousin and her friends took the tent. He had had some stick from his mates, he said - "there was some hating" - but in general he thought William and Kate were "pretty cool".
Things were a little more tetchy an hour later outside Westminster Abbey, where the seasoned royal obsessives, in well-worn union flag uniforms that had seen use more than once, have been camping for several days next to the West Door, where the royal newlyweds will emerge.
"It's been a bit rowdy here to be honest,' said Daniella Luco Kasturiratne. "Everyone was fighting over their spot. People would climbing over you when you were sleeping and trying to take your space."
Her grandmother Chandrani wouldn't have missed it, however. Had the wait been worth it? "Don't know yet. I'll tell you in a few hours."
7.46am: In the comments, boye remarks:
I'm trying to find somewhere - anywhere - where I can get through my day without being subjected to this tosh. Sadly, the Guardian - who must count among their readership huge numbers of republicans - is not one such place. I feel like I am in 1981 ....
Well, I am happy to report that the Guardian IS just the place you are looking for. If you go to our front page, and hit "republicans click here" on the top right, all the royal wedding news will miraculously disappear, leaving you free to read about Syria, tornadoes, Morocco, the NHS and everything else that is happening around the world today. Something for everyone ...
10.21am: "Just to let you know, Charlie Veitch of the Love Police was arrested yesterday for 'Conspiracy to cause public nuisance', presumably regarding the [thing that shall not be named]," says Eve Ousby, who also sends this link, and this one. "It is a worrying sign that freedom of expression is apparently less important than a [thing that shall not be named]."
7.56am: On the Mall, Adam Gabbatt has been interviewing Vanessa Ballauff from Sydney; you can get a good idea of the atmosphere from the background noise.
She says she is looking forward to the couple's kiss at Buckingham Palace: "I think it will be one of those moments that will be replayed in the media for the next 40 years."
8.03am: William and Kate will become the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, it has just been announced. Bad news for commenters who suggested Duke and Duchess of Scunthorpe.
8.16am: Marina Hyde notes:
One does have to doff a begrudging hat to Richard Desmond's cunning as far as advertising is concerned. When he gave that £100,000 donation to New Labour, and subsequently saw his purchase of Express Newspapers waved through without being referred to the Competition Commission, he was quick to tell the world that Labour had done his bidding and gone on to place "£113,000 or £114,000" worth of advertising in his newspapers, so he was actually up on the deal. Today, I see that people carrying a huge banner advertising OK! magazine's special wedding issue have been positioned in the crowds outside the temporary TV studios Buckingham Palace, where they will presumably form part of the backdrop to numerous national and international broadcasts.
8.18am: More on William and Kate's new titles, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. My colleague Caroline Davies reports that Kate will not become Princess Catherine. Or at least not yet; she could be made a princess at a later date. So much for all that coverage about little girls dreaming of growing up to become a princess? Well, come on ... she will still be a duchess.
8.22am: Hannah Waldram confirms that Prince William's full titles will be Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn and Baron Carrickfergus, while Kate will become Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge.
8.24am: Sam Jones sends this from Whitehall:
Crowd on Whitehall only two deep as music blares from speakers. White-gloved cops line the road while their armed colleagues line the rooftops. Flags selling for three quid a time and much of the crowd wearing cardboard crowds provided by a certain regally-named burger chain.
8.26am: Hannah Waldram has been taking a look at today's papers. She asks: do people still actually cut out and keep bits of newspaper? You'd be excused for thinking so judging by the amount of dotted lines on offer across today's papers.
The Times features cartoon handy "snooze wear" (an eye mask) for what can only be presumed to be for the many freezing tent-dwellers hoping to catch an extra few winks courtesy of the flimsy newspaper strip. Meanwhile, the Sun opts for a rather sickness-inducing purple and red spread on the day's events, encouraging you to cut out and keep a copy of the wedding hymn. The paper also offers a four-page souvenir pull-out emblazoned "Big Fat Royal Wedding" perhaps expecting you to papier-m̢ch̩ this to your bedroom wall Рcomplete with photo diary of Kate's life so far including the famous bikini/sarong pic of 2002. The Daily Mirror has a "Wedding kiss sweep-stake kit" which perhaps will induce you and your pals to spend the train journey to London betting on what time the happy couple are expected to kiss.
Guides galore litter newspapers, presumably for the extra 600,000 visitors expected to visit the capital – ranging from cartoon images of the carriage parade (with a handy key to who'll be travelling with whom) in the Daily Mail, a simple amp in the Times and "giant wedding guide" in the Sun.
The Independent has its own offering in the form of an armchair listener's guide, but apart from that decides to relatively ignore the occasion.
All titles, including the Financial Times, feature Kate or Wills on the front page, with the Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail taking on the "commoner" theme into the lead stories. The Mail's headline "Smile that says the waiting's over" harks back to their fond "waity Katy" moniker.
"Diana's ghost" stills haunts the headlines with the Sun opting for "Mum would be so proud" on its front and cramming all three names – William, Kate and Diana – into their intro. The Mirror chooses to compare Mario Testino's new portrait of the couple with a picture taken of Diana just before her death.
Finally much is made of the Queen missing what the Telegraph calls the nighttime "disco" (not that anyone has ever had a disco at their wedding since the 1990s) and the Mirror takes umbrage with the fact Fergie has been "snubbed" from the guest list and is "licking her wounds" in Thailand.
8.35am: The guests are beginning to arrive at Westminster Abbey now. Stephen Bates is there, and we'll have a report from him shortly.
8.36am: Vicky Frost, the Guardian's TV editor, has been watching the British TV coverage so that you don't have to. She is worried that the nation's breathless broadcasters might keel over at 11am, the moment, as they keep reminding us, when we will catch our first glimpse of "that dress".
Daybreak's Christine Bleakley, resplendent in updo and royal purple dress, sadly since discarded for a beige wrap number, appears to be the unnofficial leader of the over-excited breakfast corps - genuinely hungry for any tiny morsel of royal trivia. Although Sky's Kay Burley also seems (perhaps predictably) to be teetering towards hysteria.
To be honest, I think it's probably the best strategy in the circumstances. BBC1's Breakfast's Sian and Bill are being altogether more sober about proceedings, even slipping in the odd searching question. But there's not really much to be searching about – if
you're going to spend two hours rehashing last night's news and talking to "hardy campers" and people who start their street parties at 6am, then best to do it in the campest, most over-the-top way possible. Or the grumpiest. Maybe this is the moment when Adrian Chiles in the morning finally makes sense.
The breakfast guests have varied between the predictable – many greying men who used to be royal press secretaries, various toffs, fashion editors, some corgis – and the eye-opening. Who knew that Prince Charles had an official harpist? That's your taxes at work, people! I'm also pleased to report that already fascinators are out in force, both on guests and on presenters. The best so far? One lovely lady on Sky News had managed to match hers to her anorak. Marvellous.
8.40am: Chris Moran, the Guardian's search engine guru, says even Google is getting into the royal spirit this morning.
The most visible sign is the frankly weird Google Doodle on their homepage in the US and UK of a fairy tale procession heading off to a hilltop castle in the distance. A sneakier change is on Street View. If you're looking at images from London today, Peg Man and Peg Woman, the icons showing your position and direction in the lower right-hand corner of the screen, have been dressed up as a little bride and groom.
8.43am: Hannah Waldram has been investigating the pedigree of William and Kate's new titles, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. There's a bit of father-son tension in the mix.
In medieval times Cambridge was an earldom. Edward IV was Earl of Cambridge before becoming king until 1461 when his titles merged with the crown. As a royal dukedom, four sons of James, Duke of York (afterwards James II) who died in infancy, were all created Duke of Cambridge.
The Duke of Cambridge in 1706, first of the third creation, was George, Electoral Prince of Hanover, who famously had rifts with his father and subsequently his son. His father was jealous of his popularity, and George was eventually banished from St James's Palace and excluded from public ceremonies.
A rather unhappy precedent, as a royal courtier might put it.
8.50am: You seem to be having a good time in the comments section. Behemot writes:
Euh, I'm just an ignorant foreigner, so please explain to me...all the population of London seems to have gone mad overnight. What are they doing wawing those gaudy-colored candy wrappers around?
1.25pm: William and Kate appear on the balcony of Buckingham Palace with their families
I shall be appearing on my balcony as well, waving. Pity you can't see me.
I'm much better looking than that little brunette.
KopiteEddie adds:
One of the female guests going into the Abbey hasn't got a hat! Disgraceful. I might be anti the lot, but I do have standards!
8.54am: No major public event in London is complete without the involvement of Boris Johnson, as my colleague Hélène Mulholland reports.

For a cycling enthusiast whose most high profile achievement to date has been the introduction of a London bike hire scheme, a bicycle made for two was the obvious gift from mayor Boris Johnson on behalf of Londoners to Prince William and Catherine Middleton on their big day.
Johnson is planning to capitalise on the audience that will congregate in Trafalgar Square to watch the Royal event on the big screen to unveil the specially commissioned tandem. For those who can't wait for that moment, City Hall has produced an animation which curiously, shows William and Kate cycling along, only to be taken over by a cartoon Boris coming up from behind.
9.05am: I've just been speaking to Esther Addley, who has been out with the crowds waiting to watch the wedding procession since 4.30am.
Everybody's having a good time. It's pretty cheery. No one's budging, though. Once you get your spot, you don't move from it.
9.12am: Guests are continuing to arrive at Westminster Abbey now.
Chelsy Davy, Prince Harry's girlfriend, has arrived, wearing an emerald green dress by Alberta Feretti, with a cream pillbox fascinator with veil. Guests so far are mostly friends of the family.
A couple of weeks ago the Mail on Sunday ran an exhaustive four-page spread on the wedding guest list, kicking off with a piece detailing all the "mega-rich foreigners" who Prince Charles had invited to the wedding (it was headlined "The Transylvanian count, the Nazi's nephew and the Kazakh tycoon").
Romanian readers crying out for further vampire-based stereotyping will be more than satisfied further into the piece, as the Mail gives more details of the "Transylvanian count who is the landlord of Charles's two Romanian properties in Dracula country". (There are rumours the couple may honeymoon there.) The most arresting part of the story about the "Kazakh tycoon", Timur Kuanyshev, is the reference to the alleged time in 1993 when he and his wife "and two associates" were arrested at Moscow's Domodeva airport and "accused of concealing $100,000 in undeclared US dollar cash in their underwear." And my favourite detail about the so-called "Nazi's nephew", Juergen Pierberg, is that "in his youth, he threw lavish parties and once flew in Andy Warhol from New York to attend one". Good times.
But my favourite part of the Mail's spread was the article headlined "Kate asks 2 ex-loves … and William invites 4", which raised the prospect of a Scott Pilgrim vs the World-style face-off in which Kate had to fight all four of William's evil exes on her way to the Abbey. And people say this isn't real news ...
Celebrities said to have been invited include Elton John, Rowan Atkinson and the Beckhams; William worked closely with David on England's failed 2018 World Cup bid. Apparently the entire population of the US is seething because the Obamas did not make the cut, but I am far more interested in whether Kanye West has really been invited. It's a tense moment at any wedding when the vicar asks if anyone knows of any just impediment to the marriage, but Kanye has form at this kind of thing.
Should everyone who ever voted Labour be seething because Tony Blair and Gordon Brown have not been invited? My colleague Hélène Mulholland investigated earlier this week. Apparently the two former PMs did not get the nod, despite John Major and Lady Thatcher being invited, because, according to St James's Palace, "unlike Blair and Brown, Major and Thatcher are Knights of the Garter, alongside Prince William." Erm … so that explains that then.
9.16am: Kate Carter, the Guardian's life and style editor, has given her verdict on Chelsy's dress.
Chelsy Davy has arrived wearing an aqua green satin dress with a boat neck jacket by Alberta Ferretti. A designer known for her romantic, ethereal designs is arguably rather an odd choice for a someone almost always prefixed with the words "party girl". Still, it is a wedding ... Meanwhile, the hot rumour is that bride will not only be wearing McQueen, but an original McQueen, with a few tweaks by Sarah Burton.
The Beckhams are there too now.
9.20am: Kate Carter's verdict on the Beckhams:
The real royals have arrived. David with swept back quiff in Ralph Lauren morning suit, Victoria in a rather regal dark blue shift dress with a Philip Treacy fascinator/hat defying gravity and common sense by staying on her head. It may involve superglue, though probably Dolce & Gabanna couture superglue.
9.24am: As mentioned earlier, if you hit "republicans click here" on the Guardian front page, you can banish all mention of the royal wedding. In the same vein, click here to follow our Not the royal wedding blog. There's a whole world out there ...
9.30am: Steven Morris is in Bucklebury, Kate Middleton's home village, enjoying some celebratory duck and lamb racing, and a bit of Morris dancing (no relation):
The ducks and lambs are in place on the green next to the Bladebone Inn at Bucklebury, Kate Middleton's local.
Happily they are not destined for the barbecues that are already being fired up but for the animal races that will entertain crowds here later once the ceremony is over.
Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace may be the key places from which to watch proceedings today but thousands are heading to Bucklebury in Berkshire (Kate Middleton country as this area has been dubbed).
As well as the duck and lamb racing there's going to be singing and probably quite a bit of drinking – a van bearing the name Tutts Club Cider has just rolled in – and Morris dancing. The foreign TV crews have been trying to puzzle what that's all about.
9.39am: The fashion desk have been in touch. Jess Cartner-Morley on Victoria Beckham:
Love the Treacy hat. The dress is very elegant, but a bit too understated? I wish she would embrace her pregnancy shape a bit more and stop looking embarrassed by the bump. Also can't help feeling she is overshadowed by the utter gorgeousness of her husband.
Talking of whom ... Simon Chilvers on David Beckham:
David Beckham is rightly carrying his Treacy top hat. Why would you want to cover that fine slicked-back hairdo? The Ralph Lauren Purple ensemble is suitably classy - tails and all - though the high collared shirt is slightly fighting with the tattoo on the back of this neck.
Imogen Fox adds:
Consensus on the fashion desk is that the chicest guests so far have chosen to do all one colour head to toe. Beckham in midnight blue and a surprise hit from TPT [Tara Palmer-Tomkinson] in bright blue. Hat, dress and bag all the same colour works in the Abbey.
Hannah Waldram has been listening to David Cameron speaks live to Sky News. He said: "We do do these things very here and I'm sure it will and be a very happy day for people. I slept on the Mall for Charles and Diana's wedding, many people my age have watched Prince William grow up and now finding love and wanting to get married so like anyone living in Britain you feel quite an attachment to the event."
Diana's brother Charles Spencer has also arrived.
9.42am: Boris Johnson has arrived too. He says "the prince and I were involved in an inglorious episode" to try to get the World Cup for England. But he can't pretend they are best buddies.
9.45am: As everyone knows, William's day job is being an air-sea rescue helicopter pilot on Anglesey. The London Evening Standard had a great article earlier this week about the prince's Royal Navy training, and his involvement in a £40m cocaine raid in the Caribbean. The front page referred to "William's drug mission: pages four and five", and, inside, the paper detailed how William "helped physically pull the drugs on board. The whole ship was buzzing afterwards". Sounds more like Harry to me, but there you go.
9.46am: Hannah Waldram reports that Philip Treacy has made 36 hats for guests to show off at the royal nuptials today. The Irish milliner has designed hats for Alexander McQueen, whose head designer is expected to have been behind Kate's dress.
9.47am: Marina Hyde has noted John and Sally Bercow arriving ...
Surely a contender for ghastliest guests, even counting the various human rights abusers? Lovely to see Sally enjoying the attention, though - I do hope she'll emerge later and accept a few posies from the crowd. It would give people such a lift.
Ambassadors are now arriving at the Abbey too.
9.50am: There's John Major.
9.57am: More from Sam Jones:
Spirits on a chilly Whitehall are beginning to pick up as a convoy of foreign dignitaries in Range Rovers, Jags and a Merc roll by. We must congratulate the Madrid gov for the reg: SPA 1N. Five street cleaners clutching plastic rubbish sacks were also treated to a very British spontaneous ovation as they moved down the road.
David Beckham and Victoria Beckham arrive to attend the Royal Wedding  
David Beckham and Victoria Beckham arrive to attend the royal wedding. Photograph: Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

9.59am: Stephen Bates is in Westminster Abbey. He reports that with an hour to go the media have been allowed in and the Abbey is filling up fast.
It is a strange mix - a bit like an animated Madame Tussauds: Trevor Brooking, Earl Spencer, Ben Fogle, Joss Stone.
We hacks were led in up the red carpet Kate Middleton will tread in an hour and a half's time, strangely something to give a hardened cynic a pang - we have two minutes of being stared at: she'll now have a lifetime. The press are way at the back of Poets' Corner. .I am sitting under the stony gaze of Thackeray. Not sure I'll see much but I am close to a television screen so will get the same view as those at home - except I'm actually here.
Frisson of excitement from the hacks: the Beckhams have made it from Los Angeles! He's wearing his medal - OBE, MBE? Should you pin that on a suit? London earlier this morning was thronged: the train from Kent packed with excited little girls and their parents carrying flags and anticipating a celebratory day. As people filed across Westminster Bridge towards the abbey, standing out white against a grey sky, a solitary sculler rowed
serenely downstream - the only person in London seemingly heading in the opposite direction.
10.02am: Simon Chilvers reports that Elton John has "given his own spin on the tails look by clashing up a yellow waistcoat with a hot pink tie. Classy and fun."
10.03am: Hadley Freeman reports from New York that Piers Morgan has been discussing whether Diana would have enjoyed today if she were alive. Exclusive revelation: yes. Apparently on Fox News the discussion has revolved around where Diana would have sat if she were alive.
10.05am: The lunchtime reception this afternoon is at Buckingham Palace and hosted by the Queen. Fiona Cairns created the cake, a traditional multi-tiered fruit cake decorated with cream and white icing. Prince William also asked McVitie's to make a chocolate biscuit cake based on a royal family recipe. Claire Jones, the official harpist to Prince Charles, is to perform.
The evening reception will be hosted by Prince Charles before the older royals are due to melt away and leave the hip young things to party. According to the Mail on Sunday, William and Kate "have arranged for a nightclub to be set up at Buckingham Palace and are planning a 'knees up' that will stretch into the early hours … [A source said:] 'They have been working on a playlist - they both love music and want some cheesy songs during the night.'" If the party is anything like T-Mobile's Alison Jackson-style royal wedding lookalikes advert it will be a pretty good night. Please post any suggestions for suitable songs in the comments below. My own personal prediction is Kiss by Prince, but William, it was Really Nothing by the Smiths might go down well too. And maybe, for republicans, that one by Martha Wainwright that goes "I know you're married but I've got feelings too".
10.06am: Vicky Frost reckons ITV's wedding build-up is beating the BBC's coverage by some margin – "and not just because Phillip Schofield has managed to match the colour of his face to Julie Etchingham's orange dress and cardie combo".
While Sophie Raworth, also in coral, has Grazia's Paula Reed and – ta da! – Kate Middleton's hairdresser, the corporation is missing ITV's tight focus on the wedding guests' outfits and hats, which at this point is all anyone is really interested in. Huw Edwards, however, is rather more keen on marching bands. Certainly Sky understands what works – fading out an interview with a glum-looking David Cameron pontificating in front of some wisteria, to show us Tara Palmer Tomkinson's new hat (and nose). Priorities!
10.07am: Jess Cartner-Morley gives the fashion desk's view on the guests so far:
There's a lot of pink. Also a lot of bad fascinators but that kind of gives it the every-wedding common touch. Chicest way to wear your hat: front and centre (see VB and TPT). Not sure the red carpet works with the trees in the abbey – bit vulgar? The men: David Cameron scrubs up in tails well, Boris has brushed his hair, not sure about John Major's pastel-clash ...
10.08am: Marina Hyde suggests that those playing a drinking game take a deep slug every time some media commentator uses the phrase "a very modern" - as in "a very modern love story" or "a very modern fairytale", as though several thousand column inches on Kate's decision to omit the word "obey" from her vows were the last word in avant garde splicing.
10.26am: William and Harry have arrived at the Abbey. Kate Carter has more:
Prince William is wearing a red (allowed if you are a royal groom, apparently) Irish Guardians uniform and his trousers have a red stripe down the side. He's got a Garter sash and star, Royal Air Force "wings" and a Golden Jubilee medal. Along with Prince Harry, it seems to have a remarkable amount of rope/braid - handy should he have a sudden change of heart and be required to make an emergency exit. The general consensus, however, is that he should put the hat back on, though. To some, a man in uniform is dashing. But a receding hairline has never been said to be dashing. To my mind, the pair of them seem to have come dressed as Princes of Ruritania.
Simon Chilvers adds:
Love Will's blue sash. Red trouser stripes on black trousers looks modern. And the big old gold braiding on Harry's jacket is fabulously fancy.
10.27am: Jess Cartner-Morley has more on Kate's dress:
Philippa Lepley on BBC saying she thinks Alice Temperley is doing the dress. Most money is on Sarah Burton this morning - the fur trapper hat had the fashion twittersphere very excited because it looks like someone who is Fashion with a capital F. That's what everyone in fashion is hoping for - but we won't believe it till we see it, because the McQueen brand just doesn't fit with the narrative of Kate Middleton's safe, don't-frighten-the-horses style so far
Clarence House tweets:
Mrs. Carole Middleton is wearing a sky blue wool crepe coatdress with matching satin piping and passementerie at the waist and cuff over a sky blue silk shantung 'Sydney' day dress with short pleated sleeves and pleated pockets. The dress and coatdress are by Catherine Walker. Mrs. Middleton's hat is by Berkshire-based Jane Corbett.
Kate Carter on SamCam:
Samantha Cameron is looking surprisingly casual. Simple teal dress with a big statement necklace and no hat. Tsk, one would think she was a commoner.
Alexandra Topping has been speaking to Sam Jones, who tells us that the police are out on a charm offensive today, taking pictures of cheering crowds and wearing rather fetching white gloves, "as though they were going to a rave or checking for dust".
And Hannah Waldram spoke to Adam Gabbatt, who was with the crowds waiting for William to arrive:
I was at the Mall at 7am and already then there were thousands of people, many of whom have been camping for days. They have closed the road coming out of Clarence House where William and other dignitaries are based and I went past the big screen in Green Park and I'm now at Trafalgar Square where there's another big screen and a few bars. Trafalgar Square is pretty packed. People seem to be here for the day and there's an atmosphere of quiet anticipation while they wait for William to come past.
10.32am: Mother of the bride Carole Middleton is arriving in a Jaguar now.
10.35am: Hadley Freeman has more Piers Morgan news:
Piers just said, "Kate's dress will either be Sarah Burton or Alice Temperley - that's what my people are saying down there." His people? I think Piers has been banging on about the royal wedding for so long that he thinks he is royal.
10.37am: Kate Carter on Kate's mum:
Mrs Middleton is wearing a very light blue sky coat dress designed by Catherine Walker's studio. The designer - who died last year - was a favourite of Princess Diana. Wonder what the Queen makes of that? Mrs M looks very elegant, though. All those poshos must be relieved the commoner hasn't shown them up by wearing a vintage air hostess uniform or something.
Jess Cartner-Morley adds:
Carole's blue-grey Catherine Walker coat is very Diana (CW was one of her favourite designers). Very elegant, love the colour - more modern than a pastel. Much less keen on the hat.
10.38am: A well-placed fashion world source has told us that Kate Middleton's dress has been designed by Alexander McQueen. The dress apparently never left Buckingham Palace - it was designed and crafted there then transported to Kate's hotel. If true, you read it here first. (If false - forget I said anything.)
10.42am: The Queen and Prince Philip are being driven along the Mall now.
10.43am: A note on the music planned for the ceremony:
Royal Wedding Blog - William and Harry arrive
Prince William waves as he arrives with Prince Harry. Photograph: Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images The marriage music features works by two living British composers: Sir Peter Maxwell Davies, the master of the Queen's music, and the Welsh composer Paul Mealor.
Other works by the major British 20th-century composers will also include Vaughan Williams's Fantasia on Greensleeves and Prelude on Rhosymedre, Elgar's Serenade for Strings and Britten's Galliard from his opera Gloriana, together with Delius's On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring and Finzi's Romance for String Orchestra.
There will also be the famous old hymns Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer – a gesture perhaps to William's Welsh links – and Charles Wesley's Love Divine All Loves Excelling, as well as William Blake's Jerusalem, a song occasionally banned by some Anglican clergy as being insufficiently religious.
10.44am: Prince Charles and Camilla are arriving now.
10.45am: The foreign desk reports that even Al-Jazeera is showing the royal wedding.
10.47am: Jess Cartner-Morley on the Queen's outfit:
Fashion desk did a joint airpunch when we saw the Queen in lemon yellow and pearls - we LOVE her in that look. And Princess Beatrice channelling Gaga in the amazing pink hat - this is hotting up
Kate Carter adds:
The Queen is wearing a canary yellow crepe wool dress designed by Angela Kelly - which will make Paddy Power happy as they had the colour at 15/8 favourite. Oddly she seems to have a travel blanket with her. Does she need comfort? Since Prince Philip is wearing red, together they are totally working the spring/summer colour blocking trend.
Imogen Fox has this to say about Camilla:
Camilla nails it. The two tone Robinson Valentine coat is amazingly chic. Not sure that she should have worn such a large hat over her hair which is her style USP.
10.51am: Simon Chilvers on Prince Charles:
Prince Charles obviously joining in the regal military look, as seen on his boys, though lets hope he swaps into a signature double-breasted suit and
some fabulous accessory later.
And we've just had our first glimpse of Kate Middleton getting into the car.
10.52am: On the BBC, over pictures of the top of Kate's dress, Huw Edwards just noted solemnly: "It's a limited view but a delightful view." That's the future Queen you're talking about, Huw!
10.53am: Here's Kate Carter's first view of he dress:
First glimpse of the bride leaving her hotel: hair down, intricate lace overlay over a v-neck shaped bodice that shows possibly just a hint of cleavage. Train seems long judging by faff getting it in the car.
10.54am: Jess Cartner-Morley says: "We are 99% sure that was Sarah Burton of Alexander McQueen we just saw holding the train as Kate got into the car."
10.56am: The bride's procession is walking through, including Philippa Middleton, Kate's sister and maid of honour, young bridesmaids Eliza Lopes, Grace van Cutsem, Louise Mountbatten-Windsor, and Margarita Armstrong-Jones, and pageboys Tom Pettifer and William Lowther-Pinkerton.
10.57am: Hadley Freeman on Kate's dress:
My official verdict on Kate's dress: beautiful. And a heck of a lot more interesting than anything she's ever worn before would have led us to expect. Ah, that Middleton – as William could tell you, she plays a long game.
10.57am: More from Jess on the dress:
First view of the dress in the car: very Grace Kelly. Beautiful. Pippa in cream looks very very elegant. This is SO much better than we dared hope ...
11.01am: Kate is getting out of the car now. The BBC is reporting that Sarah Burton of Alexander McQueen is the designer.
11.02am: Buckingham Palace has just put out a statement about the dress:
Miss Catherine Middleton's Wedding Dress has been designed by Sarah Burton at Alexander McQueen.
Miss Middleton chose British brand Alexander McQueen for the beauty of its craftsmanship and its respect for traditional workmanship and the technical construction of clothing. Miss Middleton wished for her dress to combine tradition and modernity with the artistic vision that characterises Alexander McQueen's work. Miss Middleton worked closely with Sarah Burton in formulating the design of her dress.
The dress epitomises timeless British craftsmanship by drawing together talented and skilled workmanship from across the United Kingdom. The dress design pays tribute to the Arts and Crafts tradition, which advocated truth to materials and traditional craftsmanship using simple forms and often Romantic styles of decoration. Ms Burton's design draws on this heritage, additionally giving the cut and the intricate embellishment a distinctive, contemporary and feminine character.
Royal Wedding Blog - Kate arrives at Westminster Abbey  
Catherine Middleton waves as she arrives at Westminster Abbey. Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images 
11.03am: Kate and her father are now in the abbey. Kate Carter says Burton will be "a hugely popular choice that will have the fashion editors of the country swooning in delight".
It's a delicate lace top overlaying a strapless bodice, with a full skirt and delicate tight-fitting full sleeves. Rumour had it the bride wanted flowers in her hair but is instead wearing a diamond tiara. The train is, I reckon, around 2-3 metres long and being carried by her sister Pippa in a short sleeved, bias cut ivory gown with scooped cowl neck and a slight fishtail - simple to the extreme.
11.04am: William and Harry have walked to the front of the abbey as Kate and her father make their way slowly along the aisle.
Royal Wedding: Prince William and Kate Middleton read during their wedding service  
Prince William and Kate Middleton read during their wedding service. Photograph: Joel Ryan/PA 
11.07am: More on the dress. Hadley Freeman:
It's all about the neckline on that dress. Hear me now: if a wedding dress really can start a trend, as so many commentators insist, that neckline is the trend.
Simon Chilvers:
Sarah Burton of McQueen in ballet pumps does the final tweaking of the veil, dress and modest train before Kate embarks on her walk up the aisle. Great British fashion moment.
11.08am: The Introit is being sung as Kate takes her place beside William. "You look beautiful," he says.
11.09am: The congregation are now singing Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer.
11.10am: The BBC just showed Elton John singing along. He must be very tempted to take over at moments like this.
11.12am: The Dean of Westminster is giving the welcome and introduction.
11.14am: Phew. Nobody had any just cause why they should not be lawfully joined together in matrimony.
The Archbishop of Canterbury is beginning the solemnisation of the marriage.
11.15am: I will, says William. I will, says Kate.
11.16am: William is giving his vows.
11.16am: Still holding hands, Kate recites her vows.
11.17am: William puts the ring on Kate's finger.
11.18am: No ring for William, by the way. 
11.20am: The Archbishop pronounces them man and wife.

Royal Wedding: Prince William and Kate Middleton exchange rings 
Prince William gives Kate her wedding ring. Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA 
11.20am: They're married. The congregation sings Love Divine, All Loves Excelling.
11.24am: James Middleton, Kate's brother, is now reading the lesson, from Romans 12: 1-2, 9-18. "Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly." He is reading in a strong, clear voice – he's doing a good job.
11.27am: The Anthem by John Rutter follows, specially composed for this service. The text comes from the Psalms.
11.31am: Kate Carter has been digging up some information on the dress.
Apparently the workers had to wash their hands every 30 minutes to keep the lace pristine, and their needles were renewed every three hours to keep them "clean and sharp". Like some kind of modern day Dickensian sweatshop. Did they have regular hand hygiene inspections? Are those toddler bridesmaids (toddlers, after all, can magic grubby hands out of thin air) told on pain of death never to touch the dress?
11.32am: The Lord Bishop of London, Richard Chartres, is giving the address. "In a sense every wedding is a royal wedding, with the bride and the groom as king and queen of creation."

Royal Wedding: Queen Elizabeth arrives  
Queen Elizabeth arrives at the wedding. Photograph: Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images 
11.39am: The piece the choir are singing now is by Paul Mealor. He told my colleague Matt Wells:
My new piece, Ubi Caritas for the Royal Wedding, takes its text from the sixth century Christian hymn that was normally sung at the service for the washing of the feet on Maundy Thursday. The words, originally in Latin mean: "Where charity and love are, God is there. Let us come together in God's love and let us love each other with a sincere heart."
The meaning of the words, in my mind, is two-fold: firstly, a prayer about love and, secondly, about service. After-all, Jesus came to serve, and the young couple are about to enter a long period of service to the nation. I wanted to capture these two themes in my piece.
The composition is for choir and is gentle, delicate and meditative. The ancient, sixth century plainchant of Ubi Caritas is blended with 21st century harmony to create a work that, I hope, is both new and reflective of the past.
11.43am: My colleague Laura Oliver reports that Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales has taken it upon himself to edit Kate Middleton's page on the site.
In an update at 10.20am on 29 April Wales renamed the "Kate Middleton" page "Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge" and set up a redirect. Just minutes ago her profile changed to include details of her marriage and her new title is also listed under "Titles, styles and arms" and has replaced references to her maiden name throughout the page. Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, now has his spouse listed on the site too.
11.46am: The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Dean of Westminster are speaking now, as William and Kate kneel before the altar.
11.47am: The congregation stand to sing Jerusalem.
11.50am: The Dean of Westminster is now pronouncing the blessing.
11.51am: National anthem coming right up ...
11.52am: The national anthem is played. The Queen's not singing though. That would be a bit much, I suppose.
11.53am: The couple now have to sign three registers – in private, in the Chapel of St Edward the Confessor. Blest Pair of Sirens is being played.
11.55am: Marina Hyde notes:
That'll be the first time in years that David Beckham has heard God Save the Queen without a small but determined crowd of of fans inserting "No surrender" as the fourth line, as they do at every single England game.
11.57am: Kate Carter reports on much talk among fashion circles of the similarities between Kate's dress and Grace Kelly's from her marriage back in 1956 (left) to Prince Ranier.
It too had a lace overlay over a bodice style dress. She too was a commoner marrying a prince. And many a bride has requested a similar look, though probably not many with the resources of a couture fashion house at their beck and call ...
Hannah Waldram has been speaking to Cassandre Greenley, 28, who is in Hyde Park watching the ceremony live on the big screen. She said crowds have been shouting at people to "ssshh" in the quieter bits and everyone's watching in silence, cheering when the vows were made. She said:
The Mall was closed but we weren't camping out over night so it's just great to come and be a witness to this historic event. We're very surprised at the amount of people that have come down. As a Londoner you expect Hyde Park to be busy but I've never seen this amount of people, it's just wonderful.
Kate's looks absolutely stunning and I'm glad she's not wearing a meringue like Diana. It's beautiful, tasteful and she looks comfortable. It's been lovely watching William grow up and seeing him get married at the same time as all our friends.
11.59am: James Walsh writes that, with even the hitherto independent Independent running a Royal Wedding live blog, it is left to the Morning Star to run with a different angle today. They lead with coverage of yesterday's protest held outside Buckingham Palace to demand the London living wage for royal cleaners, with those cleaning the royal toilets on a mere £6.45 an hour.
12.01pm: Hannah Waldram has been speaking to our reporters around the world about how the wedding is being viewed abroad.
Our reporter in Paris, Angelique Chrisafis, tells us the fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld has given his view of the dress live on French state TV.
"It's much nicer than Diana's dress which was a giant white taffeta curtain," he said, adding that he loved the tiara and the lace detailing on the bottom of her veil. He said the dress reminded him of the Queen's 1947 wedding dress. "I like the fact that it's not too puffy. I love the fact that her hair is flat, there's not a big chignon in the way. Flat hair is very elegant, it gives an allure of the 1930s. And it gives the sense that you don't have to be a royal to look like that. The proportions of the train are perfect."
Rory Carroll, the Guardian's Latin America correspondent, notes that Bolivia's Aymara witch doctors have been asked to predict the future of the royal couple. The coca leaves they use to tell fortunes revealed "a few spats and disagreements in store for Kate and William, just like any couple," Reuters reports. The Yatiri revealed that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will have two children, a boy and a girl, and that William and Kate would be "loved throughout the world".
In Tel Aviv, Conal Urquhart reports, around 1,000 guests including Israeli celebrities and British Israelis with the British ambassador, Matthew Gould raised a glass to Queen Elizabeth for the wedding, following a toast by the Israeli minister of defence, Ehud Barak.
Harriet Sherwood reports from Libya the British media contingent at the Rixos Hotel in Tripoli are entering into the spirit of the great day. A large cake, inscribed with "To celebrate the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton", and cucumber sandwiches have been delivered to a suite decorated with union flags and a poster of the couple. Sherwood also said she asked a regime official if Tripoli was gripped with wedding fever. "I don't think so," he said with a small, tight smile.
Meanwhile, in Japan, one commenter writes that a headteacher at his son's school came out to wish the parents a "very special royal wedding day".
And in New York American reporters are mobbing the Guardian's Hadley Freeman, now recognised at last as the royal expert of the Lower West Side.
12.03pm: Prince William and Catherine Middleton wrote a prayer for their ceremony, Alexandra Topping reports. Here it is:
God our Father, we thank you for our families; for the love that we share and for the joy of our marriage.
In the busyness of each day keep our eyes fixed on what is real and important in life and help us to be generous with our time and love and energy.
Strengthened by our union help us to serve and comfort those who suffer. We ask this in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Amen.
12.04pm: William and Kate are back in the main hall of the abbey.
12.05pm: The new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge stop to bow to the Queen, and continue walking through the Abbey towards the doors, accompanied by the bridesmaids and page boys, Philippa and Harry, Kate's parents Michael and Carole, and Charles and Camilla.
12.08pm: The path from the Great West Door to the West Gate of the Abbey is lined by 24 members of the armed forces. The 24 were chosen either because they have a personal connection to Prince William, or because of the "outstanding contribution they have given to their service", according to the Ministry of Defence.
12.11pm: Our live video coverage has ended. Please press refresh. The carriage procession is now beginning its journey from Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace. The bride and groom are escorted by a Captain's Escort of the Household Cavalry.
The couple are travelling in the 1902 State Landau, which was specifically built for King Edward VII in 1902 and was intended to be used at his coronation. It is usually used by the Queen to greet foreign heads of state on state visits. Charles and Diana used in their wedding in 1981; so did the Duke and Duchess of York in 1986.
The second carriage, an Ascot Landau, contains Prince Harry, bridesmaids Louise Mountbatten-Windsor and Eliza Lopes, and page boy Tom Pettifer.
The third carriage, also an Ascot Landau, contains Philippa Middleton, page boy William Lowther-Pinkerton, and bridesmaids Margarita Armstrong-Jones and Grace van Cutsem.
The Queen's procession follows, accompanied by a Sovereign's Escort of the Household Cavalry. In the first carriage, a Semi-State Landau, is the Queen and Prince Philip, while in the second sit Charles, Camilla, and Mr and Mrs Middleton.
Two groups of military personnel are lining the route, in a tribute traditionally performed at many military weddings.
(If there was very bad weather, the couple would have travelled in the covered Glass Coach, and I did some research on that too so I might as well tell you about it. It was built in 1881 and was bought for use at King George V's coronation in 1911. Diana used it to get to her wedding in 1981, and the Queen and Prince Philip travelled from their wedding in it in 1947.)

Royal Wedding: Kate Middleton and Michael Middleton 
Kate Middleton, centre, accompanied by her father Michael Middleton, right, and her sister Pippa Middleton, enter Westminster Abbey before her marriage to Prince William. Photograph: Tom Pilston/AP 
Oh happy, happy day. Kate Middleton's wedding dress is a triumph for British fashion.
The message of this wedding dress is clear. Kate looks every bit the princess, but nothing at all like Princess Diana. My fear before the wedding was that, in wanting to avoid the overblown, Dynasty-esque glamour of Diana, Kate would opt for safety and understatement. Instead, the slender lace sleeves and the glory of the swagged train, the piety of the neckline and the splendour of the chantilly lace all draw on the wedding dress of fashion's favourite princess bride, Grace Kelly. With this dress, Kate has redrawn the order of princess succession. She has stepped out of Diana's shadow, but by making a strong visual connection to Princess Grace, made a strong statement that she intends to look every inch the princess.
The choice of Sarah Burton is a fistpump moment for every one who loves and cheerleads British fashion. Fashion is one arena in which this country is truly world-class, and Burton represents that. She is not only one of the most talented designers working today, not just in Britain but in the world. Her clothes are fearlessly creative and realised with a fierce attention to detail. Her most recent show featured a corset made of mosaic porcelain, which had been made as one piece, deliberately shattered into shards, and then resewn, piece by piece.
The choice of Sarah Burton, who was Alexander McQueen's right hand woman and succeeded him after his death, is an encouraging sign of boldness from the woman dubbed Waity Katy. Some at Clarence House must have been concerned that for many of the two billion people watching today, the McQueen name means suicide, darkness and tragedy, not tailoring and beauty. Kate could have picked a far safer name. To pick McQueen is inspired, because the label has always been about telling stories through clothes, and that is what a day like this is all about. It is the perfect choice. The dress will do what seemed unthinkable a year ago, and make Sarah Burton more famous than McQueen himself. As of today, being a princess is back in fashion.
12.17pm: William salutes the Household Cavalry as their coach passes through Horse Guards Parade.
12.18pm: Kate is getting in a few royal waves, the first of many ...
12.19pm: Sam Jones sends this from Whitehall:
The new duke and duchess have arrived on Whitehall, which is lined with an honour guard of the RAF, the Grenadier guards, the Scots guards and other regiments, who all stood to attention on either side of the Cenotaph. The couple's progress down Whitehall was watched by a seven-deep crowd, who erupted into riotous cheering as soon as the open-topped coach rounded the corner of Parliament Square. Their arrival was slightly marred when a member of the ceremonial guard became detached from his mount, poor sod. Kate still looks understandably shellshocked.
12.30pm: The Queen and Prince Philip are getting out of the coach at Buckingham Palace.
12.32pm: Vicky Frost has more on ITV's "unexpected victory" over the BBC in covering the wedding, unexpected since "occasions like this are what the BBC is basically made for".
But the corporation seemed to get its casting all wrong. Huw Edwards was far too ponderous for the build-up, Sophie Raworth not really the right person to do the fluff elements. (Also the gender split was more than a little annoying.) And who thought adding Fearne Cotton and Edith Bowman of all people to the mix would make it any better? The best moment by far was Huw's awkward commentary as Kate got into the car, where her dad was apparently "making sure everything is unsoiled and undamaged".
By contrast, ITV got it exactly right – friendly, chatty Phillip Schofield proving an excellent partner for a warm but authoritative Julie Etchingham, although I did find myself pining a bit for Fern Britton, who would have been brilliant. The ITV conversation seemed to reflect far more what people were saying at home – I particularly liked seeing correspondent Mark Austin negotiating a chat with a woman who had super-rouged cheeks, a Burger King crown, and a glass of booze already going at 9am. No, it wasn't me.
What could have worked better? Words for the hymns along the bottom of the screen, karaoke style, for the ceremony would certainly have made the experience more interactive. But generally, the actual wedding provided a bit of welcome relief from the non-stop witterings of presenters and guests with hours of broadcast time to fill. Perhaps a
large choir should be kept on hand to drown some of them out at all times.
12.37pm: Hannah Waldram has been on the phone to Stephen Bates, who was in the "poet's corner" in Westminster Abbey throughout the ceremony.
He said:
It was a very joyous service it went extremely well, lots of colour and scarlet uniforms and a spirited service from the Bishop of London.
The thing that struck me was the change in the life of Kate Middleton and her parents. Some of her expressions during the services seem to show she knew this, the nervousness. There was a great sense of relief afterwards.
12.41pm: As we wait for the next big moment – the new Duke and Duchess's appearance on the balcony of Buckingham Palace and hopefully a little kiss for the cameras – Martin Wainwright reports on some of the best royal wedding-related events in the north of England.
Out of hundreds of dropout events, the Alternative Zombie Royal Wedding at Collyhurst in Manchester took the biscuit. Fire-eaters, angle grinders and a hog roast replace the dignities of Westminster. Guest instructions advised: "Dig out your old tuxedos or wedding dress and veil, cover yourself with blood, tear some chunks out of your flesh (or use latex). The government said party, so party we will." The ten hour gig ended with a rooftop 'marriage' of the best-dressed zombie pair.

Naked celebrations defied brisk weather in Northumberland where naturists held a wedding party at their clubhouse in Newburn. Members delicately painted union flags and other appropriate symbols on one another before settling down to watch events at Westminster to the accompaniment of home-made sandwiches and cake. Club secretary Mike, who preferred not to give his surname, said that more of the party would have been held out of doors had the weather been milder. High point of the broadcast for members, curiously, was discussion over clothes being worn by the dramatis personae in the abbey.
Kate Middleton's second cousin once-removed Pete Beedle, newly-famous proprietor of Beedle's Chippy in Bishop Auckland, county Durham, did well out of two new lines organised just for the day. Middleton's Mushy Peas and Kate's Kod sold well as 47-year-old Pete laboured away at his fryers behind balloons and bunting. "It's just another working day for us," he said, "but my mum's over the moon about us being related to the future Queen."
Whitehaven on the Cumbrian coast was the setting for a 'really common' Royal wedding fashion shoot by designer Angy Morton. Annoyed at descriptions of Kate Middleton as 'ordinary', given her prosperous family background, Morton staged cameos of the bride leaving her council house, dining off fish and chips (albeit not at Pete Beedle's) and honeymooning on Windermere. The event also doubled as a plug for the Lake District. Everyone and everything in it is Cumbrian.
Meanwhile Billy Briggs reports from St Andrews, where William and Kate met when they were students and some 2,000 people gathered today for a day of festivities.
Pipe bands, Highland dancers and an array of singers and musicians have entertained guests who arrived at 8am for a celebratory wedding breakfast at the University of St Andrews.
The colourful event is being held in St Salvador's Quadrangle, the heart of the ancient university which has a special connection with Prince William and Catherine Middleton. Their romance blossomed when they were students there between 2001 and 2005.
12.52pm: Which Disney fairytale princess does Kate Middleton most resemble?
Maybe even Ursula when she tries to marry Eric in the Little Mermaid. Let us know what you reckon.
12.54pm: Kate Carter writes that the McQueen press office have put out a statement about Sarah Burton's role. It very much, unsurprisingly, emphasises the traditional and the British elements of the choice. Sarah Burton, the designer, said:
It has been the experience of a lifetime to work with Catherine Middleton to create her wedding dress, and I have enjoyed every moment of it. It was such an incredible honour to be asked, and I am so proud of what we and the Alexander McQueen team have created. I am delighted that the dress represents the best of British craftsmanship.
Rumours always had McQueen as the top tip - if, given Kate Middleton's usual fashion conservatism, an unlikely choice for many. The designer herself, however continued to deny it. All those - and given the intricacy of the lace there must have been many - who worked on it can congratulate themselves at staying remarkably tight-lipped. And that, it appears, is not going to change:
Catherine looked absolutely stunning today, and the team at Alexander McQueen are very proud of what we have created. The dress was just one component of a spectacular day, and I do not think it is appropriate to comment any further beyond saying that I personally am very grateful and honoured to have been given the opportunity to work on this project.
12.56pm: Stephen Moss is with republicans in central London's Red Lion Square, attending a Not the Royal Wedding street party organised by the pressure group Republic. There are about 300 people there, he says, and "at least 50 of them are actual members of the public, rather than journalists and members of the Socialist Workers' party handing out leaflets demanding we stop bombing Libya".
Graham Smith, Republic's campaign manager, is billing this as "an ironic take on an ordinary street party". There's a jazz band, face painting, food stalls, even union jack bunting - hung ironically. In his speech of introduction, Smith thanked Wills and Kate for this priceless opportunity to raise awareness of republicanism and stated his aim to turn Britain into a republic by 2025.
"We've got another big opportunity next year when we celebrate 60 years of having a head of state without an election," he told me after he'd declared the event open. The party continues all afternoon, there's a fundraiser in a bar in south-east London tonight, and tomorrow will see a convention, at a venue near Euston, of republican groups from across western Europe.
"This event has really brought our team together," he said. "Royal weddings are good for business."
1.00pm: Sandra Laville and Robert Booth report that police threw a section 60 cordon around the whole royal wedding zone this morning in response to anarchists masking up at a small gathering in Soho Square in central London.
The section 60 order allows police officers to stop and search anyone without discretion. The police also imposed section 60a, which gives them the power to remove masks and balaclavas from anyone within the area ...
By 12.45pm police said 43 arrests had been made across the royal wedding exclusion zone. These included one for criminal damage.
1.02pm: Hadley Freeman emails from New York to say that the US coverage of the wedding "has been somewhat akin to watching a US/UK school exchange writ large, with the Americans playing the wide-eyed naifs abroad and the Brits doing the 'Oh yah, really, you don't know that? Saddo!' condescending teenagers, even if they haven't a flipping clue what they're talking about despite their possession of that qualification of royal expertise, a British accent."
"I don't think Kate's dress will be too billowy," proclaimed British fashion commentator, Louise Roe, on E!.
"Are you sure?" asked Giuliana Rancic, E! presenter and professional thin person.
"Er, I don't know," admitted Roe.
Meanwhile over on CNN, the ever adorable Anderson Cooper affected innocence: "Ozwald [Boateng], for Americans, is Elton wearing a lounge suit or a morning suit?" asked Cooper, as if he – the nattiest dresser in all of Christendom – didn't know.
Fortunately, his co-presenter Piers Morgan was happy to imitate expertise.
"I suspect Elton hasn't been back to Westminster Abbey since Diana died," he claimed, "suspect" being shorthand for "just pulled this idea out of my arse".
"This [wedding] would have been right up Diana's street," he added, proving that he really did have the inside knowledge on the late Princess of Wales. She would have enjoyed her son's wedding? Who knew?
"And she loved her boys," opined Cat Deeley. Truly, you can't pay for expertise like this. No, really, you can't.
It was left to Fox News to fly the republican flag, both in their open mockery of the guests ("Look at that hat! Someone's gonna regret that one day!") and their unapologetic disregard for facts: "You are looking live at Buckingham Palace, London, England," said the announcer as the camera panned across Westminster Abbey, London, England.
1.05pm: Sam Jones sends this moving vignette from the top of Whitehall:
"The horse freaked out and the guy fell off," said Joanne Law, 27, from Shepherd's Bush in west London. "He was hanging off and the horse freaked out and the crowd started shouting and then he fell off. He tried to hold the harness and get it over to the other horses. He couldn't get back on. I felt sorry for the horse because everyone was shouting and screaming. It shocked me. I thought he might fall." Still, she mused, it would be something to remember.
You should write short stories, Sam.
1.08pm: The crowds are now making their way in large numbers to the front of Buckingham Palace to see William, Kate, the Queen and their families appear on the balcony – and see the newly-minted Duke and Duchess of Cambridge share a kiss.
Help needed: did the BBC at any point show a picture of Ed and Justine Miliband, or were they airbrushed out?
1.14pm: On Sky, a commentator just said of Kate's figure: "She is absolutely doll-like in her perfection." Are dolls our measure of perfection?
1.17pm: Steven Morris has more from Bucklebury, Kate's home village, where there were lots of tears shed and champagne drunk.
Biggest cheer obviously for the new princess when she arrived at the abbey but her mum, Carole, got the second biggest cheer, beating even William and the Queen. Loyal lot around here.
1.24pm: Simon Chilvers sends Kate Moss's verdict on the dress:
Kate Moss
Photograph: Rex Features The fashion desk was just on the phone to Patrick Grant of E.Tautz, British menswear designer of the year, and our chat was suddenly interrupted by none other than Kate Moss, who was shouting "she looked absolutely gorgeous" in the background. Encouraging words from one celebrity bride to another indeed. Meanwhile Grant praised both Kate's dress, saying it was "perfectly demure but elegant and wonderfully sexy looking" and William's uniform for its colour. "It's lovely to see colour and all of that gold work in men's dress because men's clothes can often be very subdued. In many cases the men outshone the women," said Grant.
1.26pm: Kate and William have just appeared on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, right on schedule.
1.26pm: The page boys and bridesmaids are there too, along with the Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Camilla, Michael and Carole Middleton, Harry and Philippa. And there's the kiss ...
1.28pm: They kiss again, sending the crowd into a frenzy. Here comes the fly-past by RAF and Battle of Britain memorial flight.
1.34pm: Imogen Fox has just spoken to Charles Worthington about Kate's hair. Worthington thinks her hair was perfectly pitched: "understated yet glamorous". But he would have made some tweaks. "I might have made the rest of the hair a little bit fuller with slightly bouncier big loose curls." He rated Tara Palmer-Tomkinson's look but was a little perplexed by Samantha Cameron's lack of hat. " I didn't think her hair looked groomed enough for an event like this. If you are not wearing a hat then the hair has to make a statement and look polished and fabulous."
Simon Chilvers has been talking to fashion designers about Kate's dress.
Matthew Williamson told the Guardian fashion desk that Kate Middleton's dress choice was a brilliantly elegant mix of old and new - he particularly loved the lower half of the dress - and thought it was a great choice for British fashion. Meanwhile Julien Macdonald declared her to be both "edible, like the perfect cup cake" and reminiscent of a modern day Audrey Hepburn.
1.52pm: Peter Walker was in front of Buckingham Palace watching that kiss.
About 90 seconds after the newly-married couple stepped out onto the Buckingham Palace balcony a chant rose from the crowd sardined beneath their feet: "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss".
For a few seconds they looked almost coy, then obliged with a fleeting, almost chaste brushing of lips. Several hundred camera shutters clicked instantly, not quite drowned out by the crowd's cheers. It was followed a few minutes later by a slightly longer, less forced embrace.
The moment, destined to be reprinted on newspaper and website front pages around the world, has almost become as pivotal a part of modern royal unions as the vows.
For once, the Queen took a supporting role, standing back on the balcony and looking as inconspicuous as anyone can dressed head to toe in canary yellow. As William and Kate waved almost shyly from centre stage, she stood silent, Prince Philip chatting to Kate's sister, Pippa.
On the other side of the newlyweds, both sets of parents chatted and shepherded the clutch of tiny bridesmaids and pageboys also brought out to share the cheers.
2.41pm: The broadcast channels are doing endless re-runs and highlights, so here's our own edited repeats package.

How the day unfolded

The Metropolitan police estimated that crowd numbers peaked at one million along the route, with around 500,000 people in and around the Mall trying to catch a glimpse of the couple's kiss. The royals and their guests will now enjoy a lunchtime reception hosted by the Queen, an evening reception hosted by Prince Charles, and a wild "knees-up" organised by William and Kate (see 10.01am). Unfortunately they did not invite me, or any of the media, so like the crowds outside Buckingham Palace, we can only stand, stare and imagine what is going on inside.
Here's a recap of how the day unfolded.
Overnight: Crowds began gathering around the Mall and Westminster Abbey overnight. Outside the abbey, 17-year-old Daniella Luco Kasturiratne, who arrived on Wednesday, told Esther Addley: "Everyone was fighting over their spot. People would be climbing over you when you were sleeping and trying to take your space."

David and Victoria Beckham arrive for the royal wedding at Westminster Abbey in London 
David and Victoria Beckham were among the 1,900 guests to arrive for the royal wedding at Westminster Abbey in London. Photograph: Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images 
8.30am: The guests begin to arrive at Westminster Abbey. The first big sensation comes at the arrival of David and Victoria Beckham. "The real royals have arrived," Kate Carter writes, complimenting David for his swept-back quiff and Victoria for her "rather regal" dark blue shift dress.
10.20am: William and Harry arrive at the Abbey. Simon Chilvers is a big fan of their suits: "Love Will's blue sash. Red trouser stripes on black trousers looks modern. And the big old gold braiding on Harry's jacket is fabulously fancy." Kate's family and the royals follow. The Queen's lemon yellow outfit gets the thumbs up from Jess Cartner-Morley.
10.50am: First glimpse of Kate getting into the car for the drive to the Abbey. Her dress, designed by Sarah Burton of Alexander McQueen and consisting of a delicate lace top overlaying a strapless bodice, with a full skirt, delicate tight-fitting sleeves and a long train, is uniformly well-received. Jess Cartner-Morley calls it "a triumph for British fashion".

Royal Wedding: Prince William and Kate Middleton exchange rings 
Prince William and Kate Middleton exchange rings Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA 
11.15am: William and Kate take their vows and are pronounced man and wife by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
And that's it from me. I hope you had a good day. Thanks for all the comments. And go easy on the Pimms now. It's still only three in the afternoon. My colleague Ben Quinn is picking up from here.
3.40pm: It's all gone a bit Austin Powers: William and Kate have just driven out of Buckingham Palace and are trundling down the Mall in a convertible Aston Martin with red, white and blue wedding bunting, L-plates and a "Just Wed" sign.
William's colleagues from the RAF flew overhead in a yellow rescue helicopter.
3.56pm: Not been invited to the reception? Come to our Royals and Rebels party instead. Declare your allegiance – royal or rebel – pick a wedding gift and sign in via Twitter or Facebook. See who else has joined, too.
4.23pm: There is feverish speculation about the identity of a member Westminister Abbey's staff who was captured on film doing at least two cartwheels along the nave.
The YouTube clip is already showing all the signs of going viral, yet the Abbey's press office is remaining tight-lipped about his identity, confirming only that he was one of the Abbey's vergers.
"I think he was just reflecting the exuberance of the nation," said a spokeswoman.
"It was after the wedding had long finished," she added, emphasising the world "long".
Rumour has it that he was Ben Sheward, seen here sharing some sweets with choristers on another occcasion.
4.53pm: It seems that Prince Harry won't have to tone down the delivery of his best man's speech this evening for fear of offending his grandmother after all.
After hosting a lunchtime reception for the bride and groom, the Queen has left Buckingham Palace, being flown off for a private weekend in the UK.
6.08pm: And that's it for today.
Thanks for all your comments, positive and negative. See you at the next royal wedding.

     sumber : Royal Wedding, from: michelle to valentino...      


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